Saturday, July 17, 2010

An Overview of our Annual Montana Trip

Last year when we went the raspberries were in full season and William ate them by the handfulls. This year they were really late and all William got to enjoy were 8 individual raspberries. Although we did inspect them each day looking for ripe ones.

William as Huckleberry Finn with his McQueen fishing pole and his rolled up pant leg (courtesy of Daddy).

William always loves a digger (or as he always corrects me: an excavator).

Captain William with Uncle Jerry on back up.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Montana Trip Continued

Hours upon hours spent throwing sticks for Frankie on the little beach that William also dug holes in all the rocks. Since we have been home each night William prays for Frankie the dog and ends it by saying Frankie is PU (and he ain't telling no lie when he prays that)

All dressed up and to the beach with Aunt Ruthie I go.

Mommy and William smile on the gondola ride up the mountain at Whitefish Ski Resort

Family picture at the top of mountain

Williams very first time having HuckleBerry Ice Cream (he has never been that into ice cream before...although we have only offered him vanilla).

I think he likes it or else he is having a cold headache

While in Montana, some of Grandpa Teubert's family got together. So they all got to meet William. Here William poses (with a real smile) with Grandpa Teubert and Uncle "George".

Sunday, July 4, 2010

A Weekend of Celebrating America

We spent a fun weekend in Colorado Springs on the fourth of July. The weekend started with a parade in Monument. I have never been a fan of parades but I do have to say that they are FREE fun for the little ones and provide trucks, firetrucks, horses and cars all in one place.... And the bonus is they throw candy at you too.

Isn't that a cute smile. I have always heard of the toddler smile and William has mastered it. How can the contort their cute little faces so.
On Sunday of the actual fourth of July, we woke up early and headed up to a little place called "Tiny Town". It is cute little place that has over 100 buildings that are well tiny. As we walked into the front gate William spotted the real steam engine. Of course nothing after that was even remotely interesting. After we dragged him through the town, forcing him to look at the tiny buildings, it was time to ride the engine. We actually rode the engine 2 times...the first time he sat with Daddy and the second he got to ride with other kids in the Caboose. All his hopes and dreams were fulfilled on those 2 rides. I love how William embraces each moment of each day. (and I love how easy it is to get him excited on some of the lamest things!!!) For those of our family who went to Indiana for the fourth of July weekend, although we didn't have the opportunity to go the real Coney Island...We did enjoy a tiny one in Tiny Town.