Friday, September 17, 2010

William is Potty Trained!!!!

I had been dreading Potty Training since William had turned 2. Everyone told me to just not force it. So I let him take control. After 2 weeks of allowing him the opportunities at home, William got the hang of it (But to be perfectly honest I did have to torture the child with prune juice but it always works with my patients). So his reward was a trip up to Denver to the Lego Outlet Store to pick out a new Lego set. There were so many choices but after careful deliberation (and if you know my son you know how careful he deliberates all of his choices) William decided on a Construction Set. Once again no surprise!!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Day with Thomas the Train

We decided to surprise William by taking him up to Denver to spend a "Day with Thomas" at the Colorado Railroad Museum. We didn't tell him where we were going until we got there. When we told him that he was going to meet Thomas, his entire face lit up in disbelief. In addition to meet Thomas, we walked around the amazing Railroad Museum and also got to climb on a real Fire Truck. We all had such a great day and hope to make it back up there to explore the Museum with a few less screaming children.
Daddy and William loved exploring the train engines.
A Family Photo Opportunity as we waited for our ride around the tracks with Thomas as the engine.
William the Conductor!!!
Meeting a REAL Train Conductor
The classic pose with Thomas the Train. William loved to sit there and wave at him each time Thomas came by.

William got to meet Sir Top Ham Hat. At first he wasn't sure about him but then he became obsessed with his misshapen hands. He asked why he didn't have "separate fingers" for the entire car ride home.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

A Labor Day Tradition....Hot Air Baloons over the Rockies

Arriving at 6:00 AM (yes I did say AM) to watch the Hot Air Balloons inflate and take off. Last year we came to this event but it was too windy so the balloons did not take off. This year they were able to take off and the only word to describe it was MAGICAL!!!!

One of the exciting moments of the morning was when William spotted Santa Claus helping with one of the balloons. He was very fascinated by him but had no desire to go up and meet him. Christmas pictures this year will be interesting!!!

The entire morning is so amazing. William didn't even know which way to look (except he did know that he didn't want to look at the camera, which is not unusual)

Round and Round we go watching the Balloons take off into the sky/