Sunday, October 31, 2010

Fall Full of Fun

Fall is my Favorite Time of the Year. Even without the Beautiful Colorful Trees of North Carolina, Fall in Colorado is Beautiful (even if the only color out here is Yellow). Here are some of the highlights of the Season.

Visiting a Pumpkin Farm at the End of September means Mommy wasn't willing to buy one this early.
Attempted to go apple picking but we were too late. However, the raspberries were in full bloom and William picked and ate his fair share.
Giant Pumpkin Weigh Off in Old Colorado City. William loved watching the fork lifts move the Pumpkins.
Enjoying the Scarecrow Festival in Old Colorado Festival.
William and his best friend at preschool inspecting each other's costumes at the Primrose Halloween Parade.
Pumpkin Carving with "Mr Potato Head" Inserts.
Pirate Pumpkin made by William and Daddy.
Getting Ready for Trick or Treating.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

William's Fire Truck Party

William's 3rd Birthday Party was a Day at the Fire Station with Friend's and Family. The Fire Fighters at Station #15 were fabulous and educated both the kids and the adults. The Highlights of the Tour were watching Aunt "G" getting dressed up as a Fire Fighter and getting to climb into the Fire Truck.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

William's Actual Birthday Day

William's birthday was a day that was spent with just Mommy and doing only what William wanted to do. The day started out with the traditional waking up picture from the bed.

William showing me how old he is.
"Mommy you are so SILLY"

A day at the Zoo. William explored the playground. He loved the ant hills.
The snake tubes to crawl through.
Feeding the Giraffe.
Lunch at Yakatori..... It was actually William's choice.

After nap, it was off to Dairy Queen for Birthday Ice Cream. William was very into his ice cream sundae.
Opening a gift from Mommy and Daddy.
Loving his Fire Truck Book!!!! (Does anyone see a theme with his 3rd Birthday)