Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Winter Fun (and not so fun) Activities

Just a few highlights from the first part of the year.
William's version of stacking these architectural blocks Santa got him!!!

Jumping on the trampoline at one of his friends birthday's party. Initially he was very timid but then he saw all of his friends on it and away he went.
The foam blocks were a hit at the trampoline party!

Swimming lessons at the neighborhood pool.

His first real dentist appointment. This was the only nano-second that he actually had his mouth open without crying. Hopefully better luck in 6 months!!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What Do We Do on a Snow Day in Colorado

During the Winter of 2010-2011, Colorado Springs did not experience a typical winter. We had very little snow, but we did have quite a few frigid days (below 0). Here are a few shots of what goes on at the Wiehe's house on one snow day.

Lots of coloring
Lots of chap stick to keep the lips moist.

Shaking William's Booty to the Toddler Music Station on TV

A visit from Aunt G means lots of cuddling!!!
The most amazing thing that happened was after his nap William came down and fell asleep on the couch (this was the first time ever he actually slept on the couch). In fact when he woke up he was so disoriented he asked me why I had brought him down stairs when he was sleeping.
Had a puppet show with Aunt G.
Then William had a puppet show his way!!!