Friday, April 30, 2010

William and His Chores!!!!

About 3 months ago, I went to a seminar on raising responsible children. The speaker recommended that the earlier you teach your children to do chores the happier your family will be. So I just ran with this idea.....and thankfully William has completely embraced the idea. He loves to vacuum, help make cookies for friends, and dust. William even has his own tool box that he made with Daddy at Home Depot one Saturday. The most surprising chore that William does every morning is that he empties the silverware from the dishwasher. Little does he know that once he starts a chore, they are his through his high school years.
Here are some pictures to prove it all!!!!

Friday, April 16, 2010

A lil' boy's heaven

On April 16th, William was having one of those 2 year old kind of days and I was already exhausted....but then these showed up on our dirt yard. For the rest of the day, William sat in front of the window perfectly still. What an amazing surprise for William and a productive day for me.

At the end of the day this was what was in the front of our yard. Daddy and William discussed the fine art of pouring cement.

And the results of all that work is.......

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Streetcar Museum in Colorado Springs

While we continue to explore our new town of Colorado Springs, I had discovered a small sign on the way to my hospital that said there was a Streetcar Museum. So one Saturday in April, we all headed down to explore. It was a surprising treat. It is a living museum where volunteers are actively restoring street cars that once went up and down Tejon Street in Colorado Springs. Here are some of the pictures from our day.
One of the highlights of the day was stomping on a button to ring the bell on the restored street car. It took William a few tries to figure it out, but once he did it was "DING DING DING!!!"

Getting on the Philadelphia Street Car that we got to ride on about 150 feet of track.

Mommy and William are riding the Street Car.

William and his new friend got the chance to "Drive" the Streetcar.

The young drivers pose for the camera.

Monday, April 5, 2010

A Weekend of Easter Traditions

This large chocolate bunny was another present from Grandpa Wiehe. (And NO we did not let William eat the entire bunny)

The Easter Bunny visited William during his nap.

After Church we went for a drive through our favorite part of Colorado Springs and we took a family picture.

Easter Morning Picture before we left for church at 7 AM.

The Easter Egg hunt at Villia Sport. (It wasn't much of a hunt it was more an obstacle course to avoid stepping on the plastic eggs.)

Meeting the Easter Bunny at Villa Sport Easter Extravaganza. William was so happy to introduce the Easter bunny to his Bunny.

Dyeing Easter Eggs (we tried the whisk to make it easier for William but only half the egg made it into the liquid).

William eating his first Peep, a present from
Grandpa Wiehe.