Sunday, May 30, 2010

Territorial Days at Old Colorado City on Memorial Day 2009

On Memorial Day Weekend, Old Colorado City has a festival called Territorial Days. It was a day full of art vendors, music, food that reminded me of North Carolina fair, and the best part for William was the train.

William would have had a great day if all we had done was ride the shuttle from parking around....... The mode of transportation was an old fashion School Bus!!!!!

Once we arrived at the festival, William's train ride was a close 2nd to the bus ride. As the train went around in circles, he smiled for the camera each time he went around (and that alone is a big feat for a 2 year old).

To top off the day was an old fashioned shoot off. William was not too sure of all the screaming and the loud shot guns, but he did find it funny when the actors would fall down.

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