Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day 2010

Christmas this year was even more fun than last year. We were blessed to spend it with Aunt Crista, Nana, and Grandpa Teubert. The festivities started on Christmas Eve with William helping make cookies for Santa.
Pictures at Church for Christmas Service with Nana
Family Shot
A new tradition is reading the Night Before Christmas. This year Grandpa Teubert read it to William (although some pages had to be summarized with an impatient 3 year old).

Setting out cookies for Santa!!!!!
Traditional waking up on Christmas day picture!!!
Santa brought William a set of Hot Wheels and he was completely enthralled with them.
Cuddling with Aunt Crista and his new MAC truck (which is now his prized possession)

Friday, December 24, 2010

Intentionally Enjoying the Christmas Season

This Christmas season, I wanted to make sure that in the busy-ness of getting everything done we as a family didn't miss the advent season. So I typed up a list of new and traditional activities for William to do. Here are a few pictures of the Christmas fun we had.
On December 1st, William received a pair of Christmas PJ's.
William tried Egg Nog for the first time. Initially he said he like it then he gave me what he didn't drink and I gulped it down like a greedy mommy!!!
William with the help of Mommy writes a letter to Santa Claus. To see what William said in his letter, look below.
William mailed his letter to Santa at the Macy department store.

Looking at Christmas Lights. Daddy found some great houses with dancing music.
Christmas party at preschool with a homemade Santa hat.
Santa came to preschool and discussed the meaning of life with William.
William spreading the Christmas cheer with one of mommy's friends.
A cookie decorating party at Mrs. Alia's house. William consumed more frosting than he put on the cookies!!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Visiting St Joseph with Aunt Ruthie and Uncle Jerry

While we were in Michigan, we went down to St. Joseph to visit Aunt Ruthie and Uncle Jerry. I love this city on the lake. They have done such an awesome job of keeping tourism alive in St. Joe and we had to go down and see all the new stuff.
During the winter season, they put out Snowmen that different groups had painted. William, Aunt Ruthie, and Sandy pose by the first snowman.
William's favorite Snowman was the Train Conductor... He named this one "Sir Top 'em Hat"

After looking at the Snowmen (and it was very cold and windy on the lakeshore), Uncle Jerry treated all of us to hot chocolate....Willliam found a chocolate ball at the bottom of his Chocolate Milk. He was in a chocolate coma after this adventure (along with all of us)!!!!
Aunt Ruthie got out the VERY OLD CHRISTMAS TRAIN that she and Nana had as children. William was completely fascinated with it.
The highlight of the trip was going down to the new Carousel and Curious Kids Museum by the lake. All of us rode the carousel two times and William loved all of the different animals.
I of courses rode the Lakeshore Lancer horse that was my high school's mascot.
One of William's favorite things to do an Children's museum is sticking his face in needle walls he just giggles and runs around to the front and looks at his imprint.
Daddy and William enjoying the Water Table
Family Shot on the Carousel
William looks like he is almost ready to go out in a rain storm.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Thanksgiving Trip to Michigan

On Thanksgiving Day, all three of us flew to Michigan to visit family and check up on Grandma Six who had back surgery. I have to recommend traveling on the actual morning of Thanksgiving is the way to go with children. There was no one in any of the airports, including Chicago O'Hara. William was fascinated with the 'extra big escalators'.
The highlight of any trip to Michigan for William is hanging out with his awesome 'big' cousins. William is all smiles with them around.
Daddy and William enjoying a Vitale's Pizza (Mommy on the other hand doesn't understand what the excitement is for this greasy disgusting pizza is all about).
William giving Grandpa Scratchy his annual nutcracker for his collection. This was the first year that William was fascinated by the nutcrackers (he preferred using his finger instead of a nut, though).
William thought he was as cool as Grandma Six was with his antlers on.
Aunt Kate and Mommy took William to the mall to sit on Santa's lap with little expectation that he would get within 10 feet of Santa. However, wonders never cease. William was initaily shy then he marched over and sat on Santa's lap and asked him about how his reindeers were doing (Daddy had prompted him to do this before we left for the mall). If you are wondering how the reindeers were...They are great.
William loves his Aunt CAKE!!!!
Grandma Six decided to make a store bought gingerbread house with William and Mark.... It is amazing that there was any candy put on the house as most of it went into the boys' tummies.
This is what playing with family does to a little one.... wipes him out!!!!!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Fall Full of Fun

Fall is my Favorite Time of the Year. Even without the Beautiful Colorful Trees of North Carolina, Fall in Colorado is Beautiful (even if the only color out here is Yellow). Here are some of the highlights of the Season.

Visiting a Pumpkin Farm at the End of September means Mommy wasn't willing to buy one this early.
Attempted to go apple picking but we were too late. However, the raspberries were in full bloom and William picked and ate his fair share.
Giant Pumpkin Weigh Off in Old Colorado City. William loved watching the fork lifts move the Pumpkins.
Enjoying the Scarecrow Festival in Old Colorado Festival.
William and his best friend at preschool inspecting each other's costumes at the Primrose Halloween Parade.
Pumpkin Carving with "Mr Potato Head" Inserts.
Pirate Pumpkin made by William and Daddy.
Getting Ready for Trick or Treating.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

William's Fire Truck Party

William's 3rd Birthday Party was a Day at the Fire Station with Friend's and Family. The Fire Fighters at Station #15 were fabulous and educated both the kids and the adults. The Highlights of the Tour were watching Aunt "G" getting dressed up as a Fire Fighter and getting to climb into the Fire Truck.