Friday, December 24, 2010

Intentionally Enjoying the Christmas Season

This Christmas season, I wanted to make sure that in the busy-ness of getting everything done we as a family didn't miss the advent season. So I typed up a list of new and traditional activities for William to do. Here are a few pictures of the Christmas fun we had.
On December 1st, William received a pair of Christmas PJ's.
William tried Egg Nog for the first time. Initially he said he like it then he gave me what he didn't drink and I gulped it down like a greedy mommy!!!
William with the help of Mommy writes a letter to Santa Claus. To see what William said in his letter, look below.
William mailed his letter to Santa at the Macy department store.

Looking at Christmas Lights. Daddy found some great houses with dancing music.
Christmas party at preschool with a homemade Santa hat.
Santa came to preschool and discussed the meaning of life with William.
William spreading the Christmas cheer with one of mommy's friends.
A cookie decorating party at Mrs. Alia's house. William consumed more frosting than he put on the cookies!!!

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