Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Visiting St Joseph with Aunt Ruthie and Uncle Jerry

While we were in Michigan, we went down to St. Joseph to visit Aunt Ruthie and Uncle Jerry. I love this city on the lake. They have done such an awesome job of keeping tourism alive in St. Joe and we had to go down and see all the new stuff.
During the winter season, they put out Snowmen that different groups had painted. William, Aunt Ruthie, and Sandy pose by the first snowman.
William's favorite Snowman was the Train Conductor... He named this one "Sir Top 'em Hat"

After looking at the Snowmen (and it was very cold and windy on the lakeshore), Uncle Jerry treated all of us to hot chocolate....Willliam found a chocolate ball at the bottom of his Chocolate Milk. He was in a chocolate coma after this adventure (along with all of us)!!!!
Aunt Ruthie got out the VERY OLD CHRISTMAS TRAIN that she and Nana had as children. William was completely fascinated with it.
The highlight of the trip was going down to the new Carousel and Curious Kids Museum by the lake. All of us rode the carousel two times and William loved all of the different animals.
I of courses rode the Lakeshore Lancer horse that was my high school's mascot.
One of William's favorite things to do an Children's museum is sticking his face in needle walls he just giggles and runs around to the front and looks at his imprint.
Daddy and William enjoying the Water Table
Family Shot on the Carousel
William looks like he is almost ready to go out in a rain storm.

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